Bode plots in multisim
Bode plots in multisim

V1 represents an arbitrary frequency generator to simulate the various frequencies our circuit might encounter. When we look at a simple 1st order passive low-pass RC filter, we have might have something like this: But they will all do one of two things, either pass or block signals through them.

bode plots in multisim

Inductors and capacitors are critical components in electronics, with a myriad of applications. There are some slight differences in functionality between the AD1, AD2, and EEBoard, but nothing that will prevent you from following along if you have one of the other tools. *You may also use the original Analog Discovery or the Electronics Explorer Board with Waveforms 2015. a computer with USB port to run the software So how do these parts interact with and change the input signal to give us the output signal? By using the network analyzer on your Analog Discovery 2 and the Waveforms 2015 software*, you can get a better idea of how your circuit responds to various types of inputs.

bode plots in multisim

If you've ever looked at a circuit board, new or old, you'll often see scores of capacitors and inductors, as well as every other type of electronic component you can think of. This is especially true when we use energy storage elements like capacitors and inductors. When building circuits, we often need to determine how the circuit will respond given certain inputs.

Bode plots in multisim